If a cyber attack were to hit your business, would you be prepared? There are many things your organisation can do to defend against attacks, but if a hacker were able to access your system there is the potential for devastating data loss that can impact your business operations, costing your company valuable time and money.
One good way to mitigate the risk of file loss is to have good data backups. Here are some considerations when it comes to backups:
· Turn on automatic updates. Keeping your system updated will protect your system from zero day exploits and other vulnerabilities.
· Think about what you want backed up. Financial records, HR documentation, and other critical assets should be at the top of the list for your data backups.
· Institute an automatic backup system. Investing in a backup system that regularly saves and stores data at specified intervals automatically is a good way to ensure that the task is not avoided or forgotten.
· Build in redundancy. Saving your data to two different places or systems is another way to further protect yourself from file loss should a cyber attack occur. That way, if a hacker were able to infiltrate one system, there would still be files elsewhere.
Data loss from a cyber attack can be a critical hit on your business, but with good data hygiene and regular backups, your organisation can mitigate the risk and speed up recovery time. If you are impacted by an attack, we’re here to help with incident assessment, remediation assistance, and planning to prevent future attacks. Contact us today.
Here‘s some information from the Australian Government.