ISO27001 might of been something you heard of, or have been asked to achieve. ISO is the International Organization for Standardization, which means they are very good at documenting how to do things. ISO27001 is a standard for Cyber Security. ISO gathered IT Experts to share and learn from their experience to identify and document list of protections against Cyber attacks.
ISO27001 includes 114 different protections (aka controls) and has been proven over the test of time to be one of the best Cyber Security standards. So when businesses need to make a decision on which third party (aka supplier) to use they will typically require ISO27001 so they know that they are reducing the risk of the supplier being hacked and impacting them.
Vertex has helped heaps of businesses on their ISO27001 journey with our unique and streamlined policies and workshops. So if a business wants the best way to achieve ISO27001 certification, contact Vertex.