Penetration Testing (Ethical Hacking) is where we are given permission to hack a business to identify weaknesses.
Some of the different types of penetration testing can include:
- Office Penetration Test
- Website Penetration Test
- Web Application Penetration Test
- PCI DSS Penetration Test
- Wireless Penetration Test
- IoT Penetration Test
- Mobile App Penetration Test
- Network Security Penetration Test
- External Network Penetration Test
- Internal Network Penetration Test
- Vulnerability Assessment
- Remote Working Penetration Test
- Phishing Penetration Test
We work on finding as many vulnerabilities (weaknesses) as we can then report them to you or your IT/dev team so that they can be fixed. Then, when a malicious hacker (cyber attacker) tries hacking you, they can’t find any vulnerabilities and they move on to the next target.
There are ways of avoiding the introduction of vulnerabilities such as:
- Not placing servers on the internet
- Avoiding plugins
- Applying secure code development processes
- Keeping your plugins and software patched and up to date
Even with these precautions we are still able to identify critical or concerning vulnerabilities almost every time we perform a penetration test. Therefore we strongly recommend prevention rather than cure. Pay for a penetration test instead of finding out that you have weaknesses after a cyber attack. If you do get attacked you end up having to:
- pay for a cyber investigation to identify what was breached
- pay for a penetration test to identify the weakness
- deal with the stress and loss of productivity resulting from a cyber attack
We have seen companies who think that because it hasn’t happened yet that they can continue to do very little or nothing to save money. They hope they will be lucky and that it won’t happen to them, however when we check with those companies 1 year later, all of them have been almost hacked or successfully hacked and in some cases the cost was 100 times the cost of our services to avoid it. As an example the Optus breach is expected to cost over $100 million dollars, and that doesn’t include the loss of productivity or sales/income from customers who have left.
Vertex Cyber Security provides Penetration Testing from startup all the way to large companies with clients including awesome tech companies and companies within the Top50 ASX.