Depending upon your company size many systems may have access to the same information making it difficult to keep your network secure. We highly suggest pre-planning and preparing to ensure your system stays ahead of the hackers and a potential cyber attack. Below are the five steps you can implement today.
Step 1
Create a separate account for administration access and a separate account for day to day access. It is more likely in day to day activities that a cyber attacker will gain access, and having limited access limit and stop a cyber attacker controlling your entire system.
Step 2
A password manager for both your business and personal passwords is one of the best ways to not only keep all of your passwords readily available but all protected. Bitwarden and Lastpass are two password protector options. We also strongly suggest using different passwords for every login to enhance the security for each account. This stops hackers from invading all your accounts if they get a hold of a password.
Step 3
Use Google 2-Factor Verification especially for important systems and email in case your password is breached. Apply the 2-factor verification app which provides a unique code required for every login.
Step 4
Regularly audit all user’s access to ensure each user only has access to the system that they need and no more. This is especially important when an employee’s job position and title changes.
Step 5
Ensure all systems are aligned with best practices for the most effective security. The best way to do this is to have your system hacked by the good guys before the bad guys attack. Vertex Security offers external security audits and penetrating testing allowing us to deep dive into your system and make sure you’re protected.