Governance & Training
Where To Start
You have a team that you want to follow safe and secure processes and protocols. Perhaps you want a Cyber Security certification, or even just to feel confident in responding to your clients’ questions about your Cyber Security maturity?
How We Help
We provide Cyber Security expertise, templates and training programs for you to leverage and implement.
What Happens Next
Once we’ve agreed on the services needed, we work with you to deliver governance, training, policies, procedures and certifications to ensure your business meets the level of security that you require.
How do Governance & Training related services work?
We can provide both an online training platform and face to face training for your organisation. Training programs can be tailored to focus on relevant areas of risk for your business and can also be directed at varying levels of leadership within the organisation eg. board and executive level programs, general employee awareness training and targeting modules eg. secure code training for developers.
Policies & Procedures
An organisation’s ability to adhere to safe Cyber Security practices is only as good as it’s documented policies and procedures. We have a suite of practical, industry leading policy and procedure templates which we work with each client to customise and implement within their organisation. These templates have been created to align to international Cyber Security standards to accelerate the pathway to certification.
ISO27001 and NIST framework certifications are internationally recognised certifications which attest to an organisation’s Cyber Security maturity. Attaining certification can provide confidence to existing and potential clients, partners and investors that your organisation takes Cyber Security seriously and is committed to maintaining strong Cyber Security defences. Once an organisation has aligned to the requirements of the standard, we can perform an audit to verify that alignment and provide certification.
We can provide consultative services to assist in developing your organisation’s Cyber Security strategy and plan and then assist with board level reporting detailing progress in implementing that strategy.
We also provide security monitoring of controls and logs to ensure your Cyber Security implementation remains aligned to organisational security objectives.
Our Approach
Case Studies
Our client had wanted ISO27001 certification but didn’t know where to start. We set them up with a comprehensive suite of policies and procedures, and then supported the implementation of those procedures with employee training to align them to international Cyber Security standards and certify them under ISO27001.