ECDSA stands for the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm.
ECDSA uses Ecliptic-Curve Cryptography (ECC) which was discovered in 1992. The current algorithm for HTTPS is RSA which has been around even longer than ECDSA.
ECDSA is built on mathematical algorithms that have so far proven valid without a bypass or backdoor. Furthermore ECDSA has been accepted by the US government to be secure by being added within the NIST standards.
There is also the question on key size, and in short the larger the key size the more secure.
So assuming a large enough key size and there has been no new vulnerability on ECDSA, then ECDSA is safe to use. The question is should it be used instead of RSA? RSA has proven the test of time of attacks and is simple to understand so there is no doubt about its protection.
Check out our other blog on ECDSA vs RSA.
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